The division names in PONY Baseball and Softball are great, though they don’t really tell you much about what they actually are. Therefore, we shine a quick spotlight on our Mustang Division.

If you have more questions about Mustang or anything else West Seattle Baseball, please email the league at


Based on League Age (the player’s age on April 30 of the coming season) the Mustang division consists primarily of players who are nine and ten years old. There may also be players who are qualified by age to play in the Pinto (8U) division, who qualify for Bronco play via the league procedures for “playing up.”


Mustang baseball is the youngest age group in PONY baseball featuring full-time player pitching.

In addition to having only players pitch, we start to introduce base-stealing. Though base-runners cannot lead-off, they can steal bases, even if it’s much more likely they will advance on wild pitches and passed balls. In all cases, a runner must stay on the base until the pitched ball crosses home plate, but after that, they are free to run!

Mustang is also the youngest division of West Seattle Baseball in which team rosters are built through a player draft, rather than being assigned by the division commissioner. This requires that all Mustang players participate in a preseason evaluations session. This year, Mustang evaluations will be held on Sunday, March 5. Players will register for their preferred time slot to run through a small program of baseball drills to help coaches assess individual skill levels, with the goal of spreading talent evenly throughout all teams to provide parity in competition all spring long.



Games and practices for Mustang teams take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Weeknight events start at 5:30, while Saturday games are usually in the early afternoon. Schedules will not be finalized until we know how many teams we have in each division.


The vast majority, if not all, of Mustang games will take place on the West Seattle Pee Wee Fields (aka Lower Riverview Playfields). Early season team activities may be held on other fields for availability reasons.

West Seattle Baseball is also exploring the possibility of some interleague play with area PONY leagues, which could send teams to fields outside our neighborhood on occasion.


Because baseball is fun!

Mustang baseball is the pinnacle of rec-league baseball at the Pee Wee Fields, making it the final seasons for players to experience what many refer to as “the magic of the Pee Wees”. Once you have spent a warm spring night surrounded by Mustang games while making visits to the Snack Shack, it’s hard to not want to be down there. And once the games end, seeing friends and former teammates come together to share their game results and accomplishments is a strong visual reminder of what makes our West Seattle Baseball community so special.

For players of low or no experience, Mustang remains a good entry point to baseball. While there always are experienced players who stand out, the vast majority of play at Mustang is easily identifiable as recreational baseball, providing a fun and safe environment for learning and enjoying the great game of baseball.

So what are you waiting for? Register NOW!