Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between PONY & Little League?

Not much.  They are both youth baseball organizations.  There are some rule differences at some levels but other than that they are basically the same.

Do I have to live in West Seattle for my son/daughter to be eligible to play?

No! Unlike Little League, PONY doesn't set geographic boundaries, so you can travel from as far as you'd like to play in our league.

When are practices and games?

Schedules will be made public soon once players are assigned to teams. Expect things to start the second week of March.  While games and practice days can change, we try our best to keep Shetland games on Fridays or Saturdays, Pinto and Bronco games Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and Mustang games Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  Most weeks, teams will have two games except Shetland (one game per week).

Why are there tryouts?

We don't hold "tryouts" for the spring season. Player evaluations are used for Mustang, Bronco, and Pony to help create better parity across the divisions. Every registered player will be on a team.

How do we get notified about rainouts?

If the Seattle Parks Department closes the fields, we are notified by 3pm each weekday. We will do our best to notify everyone through email/text alerts. But also you should rely on your coach to notify you of changes to the schedule. Generally cancellations at Pee Wee fields follow the Seattle Parks schedule.   We will also be announcing rainouts via Twitter as much as possible.  Please follow us @westseabaseball

Why must Shetland/Pinto/Mustang parents volunteer for the snack shack?

Our league is 100% volunteer led.  The snack shack helps us pay for field maintenance, equipment, uniforms and scholarships.  Plus the kids LOVE the snack shack as much as the games sometimes.  We spread all the shifts evenly so each team gets the same amount.

Why must Shetland/Pinto/Mustang parents volunteer for umping and field prep.

Same answer as above.  Umpires are expensive so we rely on parents and our yumps (young umps) program in order to keep your registration fees down.  Plus regular season doesn't count so results aren't as serious as the upper leagues where standings are kept.

How can I get involved?

We LOVE parent involvement and, frankly, can't operate the league without it.  Please reach out to if you have questions about how you can help.