Ask any player, and they’ll tell you the best part about baseball is the Snack Shack.  Not only is the Snack Shack a kid’s paradise, the money it brings to the league helps our kids play the great game of baseball at an affordable price.

Like everything else about West Seattle Baseball, the Snack Shack is run by volunteers, so thank you for your help and your business!

If you have questions regarding the Snack Shack, please contact Pam Ornstil (


Link to Snack Shack Procedures doc


Snack Shack Shift Hours

Monday-Thursday shift times5 p.m. (Snack Shack opens at 5:30pm) to close (approximately 7:30-8 p.m.) 

Saturday shift times8:45 a.m. (Snack Shack opens at 9 a.m.) to 10:15 a.m., 10:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m., and 12:45 p.m. to close (approximately 3:30-4 p.m.)


There are 4 main shifts in the Snack Shack: Open Shift, Middle Shift, Closing Shift, and Evening Shift (weeknights). Inside the Snack Shack, there are four binders with checklists and cash logs (one for each shift). The coach whose team is assigned to snack shack duty is in charge of unlocking and/or locking the shack. 

Below are the instructions for opening and closing the shack: 

Remember to frequently wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Opening Duties 

A minimum of two people are needed to open the Snack Shack (three people is helpful): 

  1. Wipe down everything thoroughly prior to opening! Disinfectant wipes are under sink or on shelf. 
  2. Put the Snack Shack key in a safe place (and where you will remember it. Cash register is a good place) 🙂 
  3. Put out hand sanitizer and safety signage.
  4. Put trash bags in the outside trash cans. 
  5. Set out the trash cans & recycle bins (green-regular garbage, blue-recycle).
  6. Restock items as needed. 
  7. Familiarize yourself with menu items & prices. 
  8. See instructions inside Snack Shack for money-handling procedures.

Closing Duties

A minimum of two people are needed to close the Snack Shack (three people is helpful): 

  1. The closing coach needs to stay with you until the end to help with the money and lock-up the fields. 
  2. Restock items as needed.
  3. Pay umpires or teens helping in Snack Shack (record payments on cash log)
  4. Bring in menus 
  5. Close sliding door and lock 
  6. Empty Snack Shack garbage in the dumpster and leave the cans in the snack shack
  7. Put the recycle bins by the dumpster 
  8. Wipe down counters 
  9. Sweep 
  10. Turn off lights and lock doors 
  11. See instructions in Snack Shack for money-handling procedures 
  12. The closing coach needs to stay with you until the end to help with the money and lock-up the fields. 


  1. Key is located in the key box underneath the outside sink inside the Honey Bucket cage. Coaches must unlock cage and open the keybox. They have been provided the code.
  2. Unlock the BLUE door. 
  3. VERY IMPORTANT! After opening, place the locks and key in the plastic drawers so they can be found later. 


  1. The RED lock should be locked inside the box so you can’t see the lock at all. See picture below. Coaches MUST stay until lock up.