Bronco (12U) Rules Amendments
January 3, 2022
- Team Size
- For regular season games, each team shall field no fewer than eight (8) players without penalty of forfeit;
- The opposing team may, at their discretion, provide a player to take a defensive position so that all defensive positions are fielded. This player, if provided, should be the last batter put out in the previous inning;
- Registered, eligible players from WSB may be borrowed by a team who is not able to field nine (9) players for a game if permission is obtained from that player’s team manager;
- Participation Requirements
- The entire roster will bat in each game.
- Players must participate defensively for at least six (6) outs per game. Failure of a manager to adhere to this rule shall result in disciplinary action by the Executive Board.
- If one or more players arrive after the game begins, they shall be placed at the end of the batting order.
- Players borrowed from other WSB team rosters will not be allowed to pitch.
- All teams during scheduled league games will submit their starting line-ups and bat the entire roster without the use of the EH.
- Pitcher/Catcher Rules
- A pitcher who throws more than 40 pitches in a game may not then play the catcher position in that game (Threshold Rule Applies).
- A player who plays the catcher position more than three innings in a game may not then pitch on that day.
- A player who plays catcher and then enters the game as pitcher, may not catch again in that game.
- Run Limits
- If the offensive team is tied or ahead of the defensive team, the offensive team may score only five runs per inning. After five runs are scored, that half-inning will be considered complete.
- If the offensive team is behind, it may score until it goes ahead of the defensive team by five runs.
- In the seventh (final) inning, there is no run limit.
- There are no run limits in the postseason.
- Game Times
- Start time of games shall be that of the published schedule. Failure to commence the game in a timely fashion shall have no effect on game time limitations.
- No new inning shall be started once two (2) hours have elapsed since the published start time for games played Mondays through Thursdays.
- No new inning shall be started once two-and-one-half (2:30) hours have elapsed since the published start time for games played on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays.
- Metal cleats are allowed in the Bronco division, as provided under Rule 8.D of Official PONY Rules. Metal cleats are not allowed on the artificial turf fields or artificial pitcher’s mounds.
- Conduct of Play
- No head-first sliding
- Any player who slides head-first will be called out.
- Players may dive head-first back to a base.
- “Slide or Avoid”
- Base runners are required to slide or avoid fielders attempting to make a play on said base runners. (Note: If the ball is not in possession of a fielder or imminently arriving to them, there is no “play” being made).
- Failure to slide or avoid results in the base runners being called “out”.
- If, in the umpire’s judgment, the slide (or failure to) was done with malicious intent, the base runner shall be called out and ejected from the game immediately.
- An Intentional Walk is not automatic. Balls must be legally pitched with the catcher positioned behind home plate at the time the ball is released.
- No more than three (3) coaches or managers may be on the field or in the dugout during the course of play. Any person actively on the field during the course of a game must be approved by West Seattle Baseball’s board of directors after having successfully completing an Volunteer Application, including a background check.
- Congregation by coaches or managers outside the dugout (including down the left or right field lines) will be prohibited during the course of play.
- Coaching players from areas outside of the dugout will be prohibited.
- In the event that a player or coach has been ejected from the game by a qualified umpire during league or tournament play, said participant will be disqualified from participating in the game in which they were ejected, plus one additional game.
- No head-first sliding
- Preseason, Regular Season, Postseason
- The Bronco Season can be broken down into three seasons
- Preseason games mostly played in April. These games have no bearing on league standings and are meant for teams to hone their skills prior to the regular season.
- Regular Season consists of a 10-15 game season played in mostly in May. Bronco teams may be separated into separate divisions as needed, and all games will have bearing on the standings which will be used to seed teams in the postseason tournament.
- There will be no ties in the regular season.
- Games called due to darkness or time limit will revert back to the inning in which there was a clear winner.
- Postseason is the double-elimination tournament which takes place after the regular season.
- Seedings will be determined, in order by:
- Division Winner;
- Overall record;
- Division record;
- Head-to-head play;
- Average runs allowed during the regular season
- Seedings will be determined, in order by:
- The Bronco Season can be broken down into three seasons
- Mercy Rules
- 15-Run Mercy Rule: If the home team is ahead by 15 runs after 3 1⁄2 innings, or the visiting team is ahead by 15 runs after 4 complete innings, it shall be considered a completed game. Play will stop unless both managers agree to continue play.
- After 4 1⁄2 innings a 10-run mercy rule is in effect.
- Mustang Player Pool: A player pool made up of Mustang-division players will be compiled by the player agents of the Mustang and Bronco divisions. The purpose of the pool is to temporarily supplement a Bronco team in need of players for any given game, but will also serve to give skilled Mustang players experience at higher-caliber baseball on a rotational basis.
- To be eligible for the player pool, the Mustang Player must meet the following requirements:
- The player will turn ten-years-old by August 31st of the current year, or
- The player is recommended to enter the pool by their Mustang coach.
- The player pool will be maintained by the Bronco Commissioner
- In the event that a Bronco team cannot field a minimum roster (nine players) for a game, the Bronco coach can contact the Bronco player agent and request a player (or players if more than one is needed) from the player pool for the game which has a shortage of Bronco players.
- The Bronco Commissioner will then contact the player at the top of the player pool to see if they are able to play for the Bronco team. Once a Mustang player plays in a Bronco game, they go to the bottom of the player pool.
- Bronco teams must adhere to the minimum playing requirements with the Mustang player.
- A Mustang player filling in cannot pitch in a Bronco game.
- The Mustang player participating in a Bronco game will wear his/her full Mustang uniform unless a Bronco uniform is made available.
- In the event of game conflict, the Mustang game shall take priority over the Bronco game.
- To be eligible for the player pool, the Mustang Player must meet the following requirements:
- All bats MUST have a USA Bat stamp.
- For more info on the USA Bat standard, please refer to this FAQ.
- Team coaches are responsible for assuring that no non-eligible bats are used in game play.
- If a non-legal bat is found to be in use, the bat is immediately removed from play and
- If detected after a pitch has been delivered, the player is declared out and the player and coach are removed from the game and will be suspended for one additional game.
- If detected after a ball is hit, the batter is out and base runners are returned to their original bases prior to the hit and the player and coach are removed from the game and will be suspended for one additional game.